Evening bags are also present in pure leather material, which is available with Creative India in the best quality. They are in soft colors like red, yellow, pink, and many more; some simple plus stylish colors like brown, black, and magenta are also available and look great when matched with a party wear attire. These bags are mainly customized for women, considered under the category of handbags only. Avoid direct contact with water or ensure that your evening bag does not get damp. If you are concerned with cleaning your bag, you may use a dry cloth to remove the dust and do not use water as it may damage your bag. You can easily enhance the lifetime of your bag with minimal effort. Although the leather is of high quality, using water for cleaning may harm the quality of the product and will directly affect the color. All the zips are smooth to use and will remain the same as high-quality products for making the whole bag, even the zip and belts. This bag can only be used to keep the basic stuff like cash/cards, keys, cables, etc. Only 2 chains are provided in leather evening bags and a 100% original material handle. It will add more beauty to your evening attire. Creative India provides 100% original and guaranteed products to its customers.
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